Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Keep up your fitness during the holidays

In the holiday season it is almost an unspoken rule that unlimited eating, partial workouts and shopping trips take place of your regular routine. This year you have a choice. Follow Connect Fitness’s easy rules to keep up your fitness during the holidays and you will stay active and healthy.

1. Choose one treat – You cannot deny your body the chance to indulge. When arriving at a party choose one treat. Pick something you can only treat yourself with during the holidays and make it good.
2. Control your drinking – Alcohol is dehydrating and an easy way to add more calories onto your daily intake. Drink water throughout the day to maintain hydration and have a glass of water for every alcoholic drink you consume.
3. Eat small meals during the day – Snack on healthy foods like fruit and nuts throughout the day to prevent over eating at the buffet.
4. Eat more vegetables with your meal – Have a larger serve of vegetables instead of rice, bread or stuffing and skip the gravy and dressings. This will help to stop those extra calories being consumed.
5. Exercise and reward yourself – Stay motivated by having an incentive. If you fall off the wagon, don’t beat yourself up. Get back on without missing another second.
6. Alter your exercise program – With help from a personal trainer (included in Connect Fitness membership), you can alter your exercise program to suit your needs to still achieve your health and fitness goals.

There is no reason to let your training and nutrition program spoil your holidays, but there is also no reason to let your holidays spoil your training and nutrition program either.