Everybody knows that you should drink plenty of fluids when you are exercising, but like so many things, the importance of this one simple thing gets forgotten. It is not only vital to stay hydrated while you are exercising, but also to make sure you are well hydrated before you start exercising and also to keep drinking after your exercise has finished. Many people tend to forget about the before and after parts, and this can lead to dehydration which in turn can not only affect your performance, but can also lead to other problems such as migraines and poor recovery.
Your body needs to be well hydrated in order to function at it's best. While it can work perfectly well at low levels of dehydration, this puts a strain on your body and means you will not be able to perform to your optimum potential. While everybody's needs are different, you should aim to drink around 1.5 - 2 litres of water a day in order to keep yourself at maximum hydration. A good way to check how hydrated you are is to check the colour of your urine, ideally it should be a very pale straw colour, indicating good hydration, any darker than this and you should up your water intake.
Another important aspect of hydration, especially when undertaking high intensity or endurance sports is your electrolytes. These are essential salts and minerals that your body needs in order to function, and a lack of these can present themselves in the form of migraines or even muscle cramps. Sports drinks are a good way to ensure you are getting everything your body needs while you are exercising, and many contain these essential electrolytes as well as sugars to help you go on for longer. It is always a good idea to check the contents of these types of drinks, as many of them use artificial sweeteners instead of sugar to try and keep the calorie content down, which in a way defeats the purpose as more often than not when you reach for an energy drink you are doing so for a quick and instant energy boost, which can only be gained through some form of sugar.
Trying out different drinks until you find one that suits your needs is the only way to go about it, as everybody is different and of course have different tastes. Your friend might rave about their citrus flavour drink which you can 't stand the taste of, the great thing is that most drinks come in a range of flavours so you will be able to find one that you like. It shouldn't be necessary to consume this type of drink before your exercise, however there is nothing wrong with sipping on one throughout the course of your workout, and of course afterwards if it is a drink that contains electrolytes. The most important thing is that you stay hydrated, however you choose to do it.
For further information please see original source http://www.hubpages.com/
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