Saturday, June 19, 2010

10 hot tips for getting the most our of your gym membership!

People quit going to the gym for various reasons, but here are a 10 ways to keep your motivation going.

1. Be realistic with your goals – You can have the overall goal to lose 15Kg, but break that down into realistic mini goals, for example aim to lose 1Kg a week for 15 weeks.

2. Work out with a partner – If you know someone else is counting on you, you’re more likely to get up and get going. Sometimes it’s ok to work out with someone who is on the same level as you, sometimes you’ll want to work out with someone who does go to the gym frequently because it will motivate you to do more.

3. Set a routine – don’t just go to the gym whenever you remember. Set and stick to your gym schedule like you do your class or work schedule. If you’re a morning person, schedule your gym time in the morning. If you’re a night person, schedule your gym time at night. Plan enough time for getting there, changing clothes, warming up, working out and showering. No block of time big enough? Split your workout in two – do cardio in one interval and weights in another.
4. Get a locker at the gym – Showering at the gym saves you time from having to go home and means you can do as intense a workout as you want even if you have to get to work right after. Even if you don’t have anything to do right after, it refreshes your muscles and keeps you feeling great!

5. Ask for help when you need it - This tip goes for the newbies and the oldies. If you don’t know what exercises to do to work certain muscles or you need a spot, ask a gym trainer. That’s what they are there for.

6. Forget that other people are there –Too many people, guys and girls, are worried about what other people think of them at the gym. If you focus on your own workout, you’ll feel better and do better. The gym gets dangerous when people start paying way too much attention to others and not enough to their own behaviors. Guys try to lift more than they can to impress girls (or guys), girls are afraid to try new workouts because the guys will be ogling at them (or vice-versa). Who cares! At the end of the day if you didn’t get your good workout in for trying to impress or not look bad, that’s on you.

7. Bring water with you during your workout – Replenishing yourself with water during your workout is a great benefit because it lets you keep going strong and finish out. Drink water and maybe a sports drink after to keep yourself from dehydrating.

8. Incorporate variety into your workout - If you do the same thing every day it will get boring after a while. If you’re always on the treadmill, try riding a bike. If you usually do three specific abdominal exercises, try three more. Mix it up every once in a while and change your regimen once a month to keep your muscles happy.

9. Have rest days – Be sure to have rest days in your workout schedule. Muscles need time to repair between workouts and proper rest is the only way to achieve this. Overworking muscles can lead to injury, prevention is the best cure.

10. Enjoy it! Don’t go to the gym because someone else tells you to go. Go because you want to. When you find something you like there, stick with it and live it up!

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