Saturday, February 5, 2011

Is alcohol making you fat??

Health experts say women are catching up to men in the beer-belly stakes — and it's our sedentary lifestyle, not genetics, that is to blame.

The 'wineglass'
Move over apples, the new figure shape on the weight-watching block is the appropriately titled 'wineglass' — coined by a British dietician to describe barrel-shaped ladies whose thick waist-line is a result of one too many tipples.

Jacqui Lowdon from the British Dietetic Association says the shape, which is characterised by a larger upper-body and a thinner lower-body, is usually most common in women after menopause. However, due to an increased consumption of alcohol by women under 30 the barrel-esque physique is now also becoming common in the younger set.

Don't blame it on genetics
This emerging trend is being blamed on extended drinking hours, social pressures and our inactive lifestyles, according to international health and longevity expert Dr John Tickell.
"The way we eat and drink is just so different to what they were 50 years ago," says Dr Tickell. "What happens now is that most of the kids don't go out until 10 or 11 or midnight, and they stay out drinking in clubs all night."

Add to this our increasingly sedentary lifestyles and our consumption of excess calories through alcohol and Dr Tickell says it's a recipe for the skinny-leg, big-belly look.

Health risks
If the unsightly beer belly isn't enough to put you off, perhaps the list of health risks associated with the 'wineglass' shape will. Dr Tickell warns, "It is terribly unhealthy. Wineglass equals high-risk diabetes, breast cancer, bowel cancer and all other cancers."

For more information see source:

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