Friday, September 2, 2011

Discover a new workout with kettlebells!

It seems in fitness training what is old is new again, with the re-introduction of Kettlebells into weight training.. Kettlebells originated in Russian army training in the 1900’s, and were incorporated into US army training when it was found they could not endure as long as their soviet counterparts

So what is a Kettlebell??
A kettlebell is a Russian type of hand weight that is shaped like a big cannonball with a handle. Often made out of pure cast iron, they are available in a wide range of weights and sizes.
Everyone can benefit from a regular kettlebell workout: from those who just want to look and feel good, to elite athletes. Primarily a kettlebell workout will develop your all-important body core – back, hips and trunk. You can also burn fat and exercise your cardio-vascular system.

Kettlebells also enable you to strengthen your arms and legs, as you use your whole body to control the kettlebell.
The overall result will be increased strength, flexibility, timing, muscle tone and general body conditioning. Elite athletes can use advanced exercises and techniques to target various muscle groups and movement patterns.

The kettlebell is very easy to use. You can start off by simply carrying a kettlebell around for a period everyday: lifting it, swinging it, passing it from hand to hand. As your strength and coordination develop you can move on to routines, exercises and heavier weights.

1 comment:

  1. Kettlebells are the main attraction for me when I'm going to the gym. They're really good for many things, working body core, burning fat and cardio. My personal fitness trainer noticed I'm very fond of working out with them, so he gave me a training program mostly based on them.
