Thursday, October 6, 2011

New kid on the block – TRX Suspension Training

You may have heard people mentioning the newest technique to hit town, training with a TRX suspension system.

So what is the TRX training system?

Originating in the US, developed by the Navy Seals the TRX Suspension Trainer is the original bodyweight-based training tool that builds strength, balance, flexibility and core strength for people of all fitness levels.

The TRX suspension system makes your workout unique. Not only is each individual's body built a little differently, but we each fill our lives with a mix of physical activities that can require specific training. TRX Suspension Training is versatile and allows you to instantly adjust not only the level of difficulty for each exercise.

In real life, our bodies move to the side, backwards, forwards and diagonally. Shouldn't we train the same way? Unlike traditional weight training that tends to be linear and follow one plane of movement, Suspension Training mimics real life movement. This will bring a muscular balance to your body, increasing performance and helping to prevent injuries.

So whether you’re training for a specific sport, recreation or just looking to change your exercise program why not try incorporating some new elements into your training.

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