Thursday, February 2, 2012

Improve Your Core Strength

Core strength is not just about gaining a six pack, although it can be an added bonus.
Almost all daily activity involves your core muscles to some degree. In fact, the only time your core muscles are completely complacent is when you are laying on your on back. So building good core strength is important.

There are many different ways to train the core, a few examples include:-
Body weighted exercises such as the plank position, where using the core muscles to hold the body in a plank. Levels of resistance include using knees, toes, or raised leg. The plank exercise is great for building core endurance.

Medicine balls can be utilized for added weight to abdominal exercises, such as weighted abdominal twists, sitting on the floor with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Holding the medicine ball and keeping your lower body still, twist your body to the right and then to the left.

Fit balls/Swiss balls are also good equipment to help engage core muscles. Fit balls are designed to target the core muscles, just sitting on a fit ball in an upright position works the abdominal area. Abdominal crunches can also be performed on a fit ball to encourage stability while performing the workout.

The main benefits of strengthening your core is the ease of mobility in everyday life and can also help to prevent injuries and spinal problems.

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