Friday, July 2, 2010

Exercise & Pregnancy

Before beginning an exercise program when pregnant it is advisable to see your Doctor. Your Doctor will need to assess your fitness status in relation to your pregnancy to be sure you are safe to exercise. Also be sure to speak with a Fitness Instructor to work out a fitness program that will be suitable for you to follow.

Exercising when pregnant can provide many benefits to the mind and body as well as helping relieve some common problems associated with pregnancy such as excessive weight gain, swelling of hands and feet, varicose veins, insomnia and fatigue. Some of the benefits of exercising while pregnant include improved posture & circulation, reduced back pain, and increased energy levels. And you will feel better knowing your doing something good for yourself, which is also good for your baby.

Exercise during pregnancy should take into account the changes your body is experiencing – new body alignment, different posture, and reduced strength and endurance.

Generally Pregnant women can participate in low-impact aerobic activity up to three times per week (if your doctor agrees). But don’t push it, if you are feeling exhausted it is better to rest than cause any damage by over-doing it.

Remember always listen to your body, if you experience any sharp pains, fluid leakage, dizziness or faintness be sure to stop exercising and call your doctor straight away.

*Please be advised that you are solely responsible for the way this information is perceived and utilised. Please see your physician before changing your diet or starting an exercise program.

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