Monday, July 19, 2010

Why being a healthy weight is important..

When the energy (kilojoules) we consume from and drink is more than the energy we use up, fat is deposited on our bodies.

Even small imbalances in this energy in energy out equation over time can cause you to become overweight or obese. This means you weigh more than what is considered healthy.

Being overweight or obese is unfortunately quite common in Australia now.
The problem with being overweight or obese is not about the way you look. Having excess weight increases the risk of many chronic and potentially lethal diseases.

Fortunately, most of these diseases are preventable with attention to Live Life Well factors including healthy eating and regular activity.

Generally speaking, the more body fat you’re carrying, the higher the risk to your health.

Some of the many chronic conditions and diseases associated with obesity include:
· insulin resistance
· high blood pressure
· atherosclerosis (clogging of the arteries)
· cardiovascular disease
· stroke
· some cancers
· Type 2 diabetes (where you don't produce enough insulin)
· gall bladder disease
· polycystic ovarian syndrome
· musculoskeletal problems such as osteoarthritis and back pain
· gout
· cataracts
· stress incontinence
· sleep aponea.

For more information see source:

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